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Origin Story

Our saga unfolds on the picturesque island of Åkerøya, Norway. Built in the 1800s by our ancestors, perched elegantly on a vista overlooking the water, Brenneve was more than just a house; it was a legacy of extraordinary kinfolk whose fiery spirits and resilient legacies have been kindled through the ages. The name House of Brenneve, a lyrical whisper from the past, means 'House of Kindling,' derived from the Old Norse word ‘Kynda,’ to inflame. And inflame it did, not just the fires in hearths, but also the fires in the hearts of all who dwelled there.

The women of Brenneve were a rich tapestry of stories, woven with threads of confidence and independence, each rare and radiant in their time. The legend of their strength began with my great-great-grandmother being born at Brenneve and echoed through the generations, each woman a verse in this poetic lineage. That chapter of our story culminates with my grandmother's birth in the garden annex, the last of our family to be born in our charming white house on the hill.

Destiny, however, called for broader horizons. With the looming shadows of war, my great-grandmother, led by an unyielding spirit, guided her family across the seas to Brooklyn. There, in a Bayridge brownstone prepared by my great-grandfather, they embarked on a new chapter. This journey was more than a relocation; it marked a profound transformation of spirit and soul, blending past and present into a vibrant new life amid New York’s bustling concrete jungle.


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Founder Story

Fast forward to 2023… Three women all entering a new chapter of their lives, all at different stages & ages, all craving a new spark of inspiration. 

Sonja in her 90s, Lisa about to enter her 70s and Katherine in her mid 30s, healing from grief, sickness and everything in between they turned to the comfort of nostalgia to warm their hearts. As they rediscovered cherished family photos & relics, Brenneve’s essence reemerged & reveled itself in a new light, bridging the generations, a legacy reborn. 


Each of the three women bring a diverse skills & artistry cultivated by their unique experiences, woven together, continuing their kinfolk’s tapestry, excited to see how the next chapter unfolds…

Our brand is not just about products; it's about the stories we tell and the memories we share. Every fabric holds a whisper of the past, every design a nod to the future. Our collection, an eclectic mélange of homewares, clothing, and unique gifts, keepsakes and accessories, is a reflection of this legacy.


From bespoke pieces that we lovingly design & handcraft, to curated vintage finds & treasured antique keepsakes from our family collection, each piece has a history – of journeys taken, people loved, and of lives fully lived.

House of Brenneve is a homage to the ever-changing tapestry woven through the ages. It is a celebration of the alchemy of elegance and resilience, of holding onto your roots while spreading your branches wide and high.

Embark on a journey of discovery with us, crafting your own legacy through our evolving chapters and treasures. Our collection refreshes and expands regularly, so your next visit might reveal unexpected wonders.

Become a part of our Inner Circle to enjoy exclusive perks and be the first to explore new releases.




An enchanting Grandma, a dynamic Mother, and a creative Daughter had just the right ingredients to come together to form House of Brenneve, continuing their kinfolk's legacy of innovation, tenacity and style.





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